
The Future of Events: How Virtual Events Will Continue to Thrive Alongside In-Person Events

As in-person events reach record numbers in 2023, organizers are asking one vital question. Is there still a future for virtual events?

The answer is a resounding YES! Virtual events are here to stay even as in-person events return to the spotlight. While there are benefits to face-to-face networking and human connection, virtual events offer unique advantages. As a result, many organizers have discovered that they can successfully leverage virtual events to expand their reach, increase engagement, and reduce costs.


One of the key advantages of virtual events is their increased accessibility. In-person events require attendees to travel to a specific location, which can be a significant barrier for those unable to travel. This focuses on accessibility due to physical limitations, financial constraints, or other factors. On the other hand, virtual events can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection. This makes virtual events much more inclusive and accessible to a broader range of people.

Cost Saving

Another advantage of virtual events is their cost savings. In-person events require significant investments in venue rental, travel expenses, catering, and other logistical costs. Virtual events, on the other hand, have lower overhead costs, which can result in significant savings for organizers. Additionally, virtual events can be recorded and archived, enabling organizers to repurpose content for future events.


Virtual events also can reach a larger and more diverse audience. In-person events are often limited by the physical capacity of the venue, whereas virtual events have no such limitations. This allows organizers to reach a much larger audience, including people from different regions, countries, and time zones. Virtual events can also be translated into multiple languages, making them more accessible to non-native speakers.

Going Hybrid

Of course, in-person events still have their place in the event landscape. There is no substitute for face-to-face networking and the human connections that can be made at in-person events. In-person events also offer a sense of excitement and energy that is difficult to replicate in a virtual setting. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated that virtual events can be effective alternatives to in-person events and can be leveraged to achieve similar outcomes.

Hybrid events offer the best of both worlds in terms of the benefits of in-person events and the advantages of virtual events. They allow organizers to cater to their attendees’ different preferences and needs, and they offer greater flexibility in scheduling and logistics.

Environmental sustainability

Environmental sustainability is a crucial consideration for any event, and hybrid events can be a more environmentally sustainable option compared to in-person events. Here are some of the ways in which hybrid events can promote environmental sustainability:

  1. Reduced Carbon Footprint: Hybrid events can help reduce the carbon footprint of an event by reducing travel and transportation-related emissions. By offering a virtual component, attendees can participate remotely, reducing the need for travel and lowering emissions.
  2. Reduced Waste: Hybrid events can also help reduce waste. In-person events often generate significant waste from items such as disposable cups, plates, packaging, and of course, swag. Hybrid events can reduce waste by offering digital materials and using reusable materials where possible.
  3. Energy Efficiency: Hybrid events can be designed to be more energy-efficient. By using virtual components, organizers can reduce the energy consumption of the event by avoiding the need for lighting, heating, and air conditioning in large event spaces.
  4. Sustainability as a Theme: Hybrid events can also be designed with sustainability as a theme, promoting eco-friendly practices and encouraging attendees to adopt sustainable behaviors in their personal and professional lives.
  5. Increased Awareness: By promoting environmental sustainability as a core value of the event, hybrid events can increase awareness and inspire action among attendees. This can include providing information about sustainable practices, highlighting eco-friendly vendors, and encouraging attendees to make sustainable choices.

As a result, the hybrid event format, which combines in-person and virtual components, has become increasingly popular and is likely to continue to grow.

In conclusion

Virtual events will likely continue to be essential to the event landscape even as in-person events return. Ultimately, the future of events is expected to be a mix of in-person and virtual components as organizers strive to meet the needs and preferences of their attendees in an ever-changing world.

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