Cloud Hosting Technology

Monarx and Hostinger Join Forces to Deliver Secure and Fast Web Hosting Solutions

Monarx, a leading website security and monitoring solution provider, has announced a new partnership with Hostinger. The partnership is aimed at providing Hostinger web hosting customers with a robust and reliable website security solution to protect their online assets.

Monarx’s website security and monitoring services are designed to be easy to use and accessible to all website owners. Its platform offers a user-friendly dashboard that provides real-time updates on website security threats or vulnerabilities.

As part of the partnership, Hostinger’s customers can now access various Monarx security solutions.

Monarx Security Features

  • Enabled a new agent package for Process Monitoring resolution of executables (enable telemetry on & identification of potentially malicious running processes)
  • Released a new agent capability to identify and remediate malicious processes (in-memory malware, crypto miners, etc)
  • Proactively identified a number of potential optimization and security opportunities outside of our product (e.g. WordPress filesystem access method, file manager bug, backup solution ownership, etc.)
  • Responded to Hostinger’s customer service needs by creating a site cleanup service that has drastically reduced ticket resolution time. 

The partnership between Monarx and Hostinger is a significant step forward in the web hosting industry. It underscores the importance of website security. With the rise of cyber threats and attacks, website security has become a top priority for businesses and individuals.

“We’re proud to be Hostinger’s chosen solution for securing their customers’ websites. Hostinger is a large, sophisticated, and demanding partner, and they see a huge volume of advanced attacks, so it’s rewarding to see how we’ve been able to keep everything running smoothly and securely with great technology & collaboration. Our hybrid Agent- and Cloud-based malware protection is a new take that provides off premise analysis, resulting in minimal performance impact”

Jeremy Warren, CEO of Monarx.

In conclusion, Hostinger‘s partnership with Monarx demonstrates its commitment to providing its customers with the best possible web hosting experience, including comprehensive website security solutions.

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